Monday, October 12, 2015

Brahmavihara-Arama is a beautiful temple and a Buddhist place of worship largest in Bali. The place is known as Banjar Buddhist temples as it is located in the village of Banjar, Buleleng. This Temple located in a hilly area in the "Banjar Tegeha'', Banjar District, 22 kilometers west of Singaraja and 11 kilometers from the tourist area Lovina. Meanwhile, from the city of Denpasar, this Temple around 100 kilometers which can be reached within approximately 2.5 - 3 hours through-Bedugul Denpasar-Singaraja.
Besides Buddhist place of worship, the temple is also a place to meditate. Brahmavihara-Arama is located in the hills. So, when you are facing north, then you will see the beautiful scenery of North Bali sea and plantations and rice fields of altitude. The atmosphere is quiet and calm, and a direct view to the beach Lovina cause this Buddhist temple as a place of meditation is perfect. Artistic and unique building is also the main attraction for tourists.
Brahmavihara-Arama was founded in 1969 on an area of ​​approximately 4 hectares and completed one year later. In 1973 this sacred building was inaugurated as the main Buddhist temple. Previously it has been established monastery located in Banjar Hot Springs, but at that time his followers (upcaka) is still very limited, so Brahmavihara-Arama is seen as a more viable.

Brahmavihara-Arama consists of three words which are: Brahma, and Vihara Arama. Brahma means commendable / noble. Vihara means a way of life, and Arama mean place. From the combination of the words, we can conclude that the meaning of Brahmavihara-Arama is a place to train themselves, forge noble behavior / commendable that in Buddhism include Metta, Karuna, Mudita and upekkha.

The Temple consists of five main complex, namely:

1. Uposatha Gara, which is located at the top of the west. The place is in the form of a room decorated with reliefs of the Buddha's birth, and in the middle there is a statue of Buddha in a state of reaching Nirvana. This room serves as a place of coronation of the candidate bhiku.

2. Dharamsala, which lies in the eastern part. The place is in the form of a lecture hall where the bhiku discuss and study the sacred teachings. This place is also used as a place for worship and all spiritual activity.

3. Stupa, located at the northwest corner of the monastery. The buildings are quite unique that resembles a giant bell.

4. Tree Body, located at the southwest corner of the monastery. In the vicinity of this tree are beautiful reliefs. This place symbolizes the victory of Buddha when it reaches the eternal perfection.

5. Kuti, is the abode of the bhiku and students who are studying. It is also used as a training ground of the bhiku.

Interestingly, when entering Brahmavihara-Arama, it feels like entering a temple. It is still strong Hindu elements in this temple because it remains built with Balinese architecture without losing its character as a place of religious worship Buddha. Each page that is linked to some stairs, each of which contains the principles of Buddhism.

When he reached the highest levels of this temple, you will find a large field with a beautiful courtyard decorated with grass and trees, and in the end there is a building in the form of miniature stupa of Borobudur. On the inside the stupa you will see a room containing four gold-colored statue of Buddha facing four directions of the compass. This place is a place to perform meditation. Typically, in celebration of Buddhism hundreds of people would meet to perform persebahyangan field. However, not only on special celebrations only became a crowded place because this place regularly held meditation sessions, with participants not only Buddhists, but the general public that it wants to achieve spiritual tranquility. In fact, this temple also often get visits from groups of meditation lovers from Indonesia and abroad.

In this temple complex is spread several Buddha statues that adorn every corner of the room or the garden. Among which there are two statues of Buddha that is very interesting that Parinirwana sculptures and statues of Buddha as Buddha. The second statue was made of bronze gilded and a contribution from Thailand and Sri Lanka around 1977. Each sculpture is placed in a different room. Parinirwana statue depicting Buddha in a meditative state by clearing the body. Then the Buddha as Buddha statues depicting the Buddha is reaching eternal perfection. While other statues made of rocks and concrete, scattered in the park and showed a natural 31 position outside Nirvana.

here are some photos of beauty Brahmavihara-Arama


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