Tuesday, October 13, 2015

For those of you who like tourist attraction a waterfall, we have the recommendation of the falls very beautiful located in Buleleng regency. A waterfall was a waterfall sekumpul. A waterfall sekumpul also known by the name of a waterfall gerombong. A waterfall it has a height of about 100 m and composed some waterfalls there are at least seven of the falls separately spread and they are too far apart. Of the seven waterfall only two falls can come closer.Uniquely, two falls is side by side has height and discharge of different. Also two waterfall it comes from two springs different, where a waterfall on the left comes from springs while a waterfall on the right ( higher ) stems from the river. In the rainy season, a waterfall on the left is clear that begins springs while a waterfall on the right to be brown murky. A waterfall is located in the mountains still natural.All the way to a waterfall you presented a wonderful.The road to a waterfall enough precipitous but have been prepared to ease the stairs.

A waterfall sekumpul not that far from a waterfall lemukih , actually only two kilometers away .From a waterfall lemukih live walk straight as far as 1 km .The entrance of a waterfall this is on the left a road ( from a waterfall lemukih live walk straight as far as 1 km ) in form of a small way or trails ( any indication as to those on the right side ) in a fork .Follow the that little as far as about 1 km until arrived in the parking lot .Road conditions that little is the way the village that is berbelok-belok up and down

Is located about 76 km from denpasar or 20 km from the city singaraja ( 1 hour travel time ).There are two a route for way.The first point vehicles continues to to singaraja with passes through tour object bedegul.And came city singaraja take direction to kecamatan convulsions and to the village sekumpul.To the route the second after passes through tour object bedegul approximately 10 km away there are intersection small.In the intersection take the to the right and follow keep walking this until it came at the entrance a waterfall sekumpul ( about 12 km away.Road conditions route this second narrow and winding up and down with a view of the hill and a ravine on either side of the road and for that carries four-wheeled vehicle not recommended through this route.The road asphalt there has been so much flaky. Even, in some places asphalt have been lost at all so that the streets turned to dirt roads rocky.In all the way to a waterfall this will found many intersection which there is no rambu-rambunya so that it should be asked a lot of questions to people in local not to stray.

After arriving in the parking lot perjlanan followed by walking on roads that already di-paving, down hundreds of the stairs, and across the river.Road conditions these paving are quite steep and in some places s slippery because mossy.Following paving roads discharged, the way changed into a dirt road that restrictive ( a trail to arrived at the location a waterfall.If we want to close to the bottom of the water plunge have to down hundreds of the stairs enough steep in some place and across the river a fairly in.

Tickets and parking

The ticket price is Rp. 2.000/person ( to foreign tourists Rp. 5.000 )

Facilities and accommodation

To reach the bottom of the water plunge has been cut out for a walkway concreted .Tesedia also some gazebo sited to rest. Unfortunately illegal buildings toilet or the bathroom in there

Following some photos beauty waterfall sekumpul


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